Example of "Member Spotlight" thumbnail
This is an example of a premium member webpage
Your photo for the banner image at the top of the page should be 1500 x 630 pixels minimum.
Your page title and description will overlay this image by default. It can be hidden by request.
The photo or logo for the "Member Spotlight" thumbnail that displays on all main chamber pages should be 350 x 350 pixels minimum.
It helps to have a dark, plain lower edge on the thumbnail image if you would like us to label the thumbnail with your title.
The page content is responsive to screen size in order to work well on mobile devices.
Example of a page title and description in Google
About Search Engine Optimization
It is important that the text you submit for your custom chamber page work with today's search engines.
The large white text that displays across your banner is your page title and will be the label that identifies you in a search result.
The smaller, all-caps, text below the page title is the description and will be the short description of your page in a search result.
The detailed description that follows in the main body can be as long as you like, but you should keep in mind that your page is within the chamber site which is already describing the area's beauty and attractions. At this point your audience is comparing you to their other options on this site and need your amenity details.